The Research Development Office (RDO) can help you identify the right funding resources and opportunities for your project. The Office of Research sends out weekly funding memos on relevant federal, foundation and other opportunities (see memo archive here; UNM login required). We also assist faculty with targeted funding searches and provide consultation on developing a funding strategy for your research goals. Submit a request here.
There are several pilot funding programs across the Health Sciences and Main Campus to help individual investigators and teams to develop feasibility and preliminary data for pursuing extramural funding. Please view the lists below for more information on pilot funding and extramural resources.
RDO manages limited competitions, in which only one application is allowed per institution. For some of these opportunities, the Office of Research sends calls for statements of interests and pre-proposals to faculty and staff via its email listserv; however, it is not possible to announce all limited competitions. If you identify a limited competition for which you are interested in applying to, please contact us as soon as possible so we can initiate an internal competition.
The School of Medicine Research Allocation Committee (RAC) reviews requests for pilot funding three times a year (February, June and October). Awards are made for up to $25,000. See guidelines here.
The Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC) has several pilot funding programs for clinical and translational science, which aims to promote and support the translation of biomedical discoveries from bench to bedside to community, and beyond. Visit the CTSC funding webpage for information.
The UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center offers multiple pilot funding mechanisms, supporting basic, clinical and population science research and spanning in size and complexity. Please visit here for more information.
The Autophagy, Inflammation and Metabolism (AIM) Center provides pilot funding and research mentorship in the area of autophagy and its intersections with inflammation and metabolism in the disease process. Contact:
The Center for Brain Recovery and Repair (CBRR) provides pilot funding and research mentorship for pre-clinical and clinical research studies related to brain and behavioral conditions. Visit here for information.
The Center for Metals in Biology and Medicine (CMBM) provides pilot funding and research mentorship for research focused on metals interactions in biology and environmental health. Contact: Dr. Matt Campen, Center Director.
Brain and Behavioral Health Institute
The Brain and Behavioral Health Institute (BBHI) Signature Program promotes cutting-edge neuroscience and behavioral research and facilitates partnerships between the BBHI and communities throughout New Mexico. The BBHI Mini-Grant Program provides funding to access UNM core resources.
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease Signature Program
The Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease (CVMD) Signature Program promotes basic, clinical, and translational research, as well as population-based outcomes research and community outreach activities. For information about pilot funding opportunities, contact Dr. Meilian Liu.
Center for Infectious Disease and Immunity (CIDI)
The Center for Infectious Disease and Immunity (CIDI) Signature Program promotes research on infectious and immunologically mediated diseases locally and around the world. For information about pilot funding opportunities, contact
Child Health Research Signature Program
The Child Health Research Signature Program provides pilot funding annually. Research may be prospective or retrospective, and clinical/basic science/translational in nature, but projects must involve two or more HSC schools or departments. Visit here for more information.
Environmental Health Signature Program (EHSP)
The Environmental Health Signature Program (EHSP) at the UNM Health Sciences Center promotes basic and translational research on regionally relevant environmental public health issues that address the overall health needs of unique Southwestern communities while contributing to our understanding of global environmental health issues. For information about pilot funding opportunities, contact Dr. Matt Campen.
The UNM Grand Challenges Program supports projects that address complex, large-scale problems of global or regional importance that require collaborative, interdisciplinary research to develop impactful solutions. Join the Grand Challenges listserv to learn about upcoming funding opportunities. is the primary source for finding federal funding opportunities. Search by agency and keyword.
Search the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, NIH’s official publication of notices of grant policies, guidelines, and funding. Sign up here to receive the weekly Table of Contents to your inbox every Friday!
Visit HRSA’s Grants page to find HRSA funding opportunities (search by Bureau/Office and keyword), grant preparation instructions, and HRSA-awarded grants.
Visit AHRQ’s Funding & Grants page to find AHRQ funding opportunities, research policies, application procedures, and AHRQ-awarded grants.
The DOD Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) supports high impact, high risk projects, including basic, translational, and clinical research. Visit here for open funding opportunities and submission guidelines.
Visit NSF’s Funding Search page to find funding opportunities. Explore funded awards here.
PCORI funds patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER) and projects that support CER, engagement in CER research and dissemination and implementation of PCORI-funded research findings. Visit here for current and upcoming funding opportunities.
Foundation Directory Online provides information on public and private foundations, corporate giving programs, and grant-making charitable organizations. Access available here from the UNM Library (login required). A UNM Library video guide for using the Foundation Directory Online is available here.
Larissa Myaskovsky, PhD
Director of Faculty Research Development
Kara McKinney, MA
Associate Director for Research Development
Office: 505-272-0885
Physical Location:
Health Sciences and Services Building
Mailing address:
MSC 08 4560
1 University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM 87131