The Office of Research manages procedures for requesting institutional funding to support ongoing and new research initiatives, especially for the development of shared facilities and larger collaborative grant-funded projects and centers. These funding mechanisms build critical research infrastructure, fostering the creation of cutting-edge shared resources that benefit multiple investigators, and support a robust environment for innovation, collaboration, and discovery across disciplines.
Please see below for more information about Equipment Requests and Institutional Support.
The Office of the Vice President for Research facilitates internal requests for purchasing shared equipment and shared facility renovations within the School of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, College of Nursing, and College of Population Health. The solicitation for applications is released annually in the spring.
Requested items must have a minimum unit or system cost of $25,000. Proposals are evaluated based on scientific merit and relevance in supporting existing or emerging collaborative research programs, multi-user facilities, and cores; lack of similar instrumentation or space; potential for supporting future extramural funding; financial match (i.e. from department or college); and user base, accessibility, and maintenance plans.
To request equipment, submit the Research Equipment Funding Support Request. Please complete and attach the Research Equipment Funding Attachment to summarize application details.
Related Resources:
The Office of the Vice President for Research facilitates requests for institutional commitment for extramural funding proposals. The request must be submitted by a Senior Ranking Research Officer; requests from PIs will not be accepted.
To request institutional commitment, submit the Research Institutional Commitment (RIC) Request Form. Please complete and attach the Research Institutional Commitment Request Summary to the request form to summarize the application details. To provide adequate time, please submit the request at least four weeks prior to the sponsor due date.
Larissa Myaskovsky, PhD
Director of Faculty Research Development
Kara McKinney, MA
Associate Director for Research Development
Office: 505-272-0885
Physical Location:
Health Sciences and Services Building
Mailing address:
MSC 08 4560
1 University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM 87131