Schedule an initial planning/feasibility consultation. Contact Cathy Martinez to schedule.
To Use Previously Banked Specimens
If you wish to use previously banked specimens already stored in the HTR:
Submit your proposal to the Scientific Review Committee (SRC). Contact Cassandra Misenar for guidance in this process (
Once the SRC approves your proposal, send the approval letter with your application to the UNM Human Research Review Committee (HRRC) Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Click the “Access to Huron IRB" at the bottom of the screen
Logon using your HSC username and password
Click on "submission" at the left
Click the “Create New Study” button to the left
Fill out the form
At question #7, click the link to go to the library and select the appropriate protocol for your study
If your study requires only de-identified materials, select the Exempt Category 4 Protocol (HRP-582). *Note: De-identified discard tissues may not require consent
If your study does not require obtaining any information about living individuals, select Nonhuman Subject Research (HRP-585)
You may submit for an expedited submission if your study involves only specimens that have been collected solely for non-research purposes (such as medical treatment and diagnosis)
Following HRRC approval, submit a tissue request to the HTR through iLab. You will upload your SRC and IRB approval letters, and have an active PR in the system.
In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, select “sign up”
Complete the registration form on the sign-up page.
Receive a welcome email from from iLab with login credentials and instructions
Requesting Services in iLab
Establish a Purchase Requisition (PR) through your department. Email the PR to Mary Sherman ( requesting it be added under your lab in the iLab system.
In the upper right corner of this page, enter the username and password provided.
Under the “Request Services” tab, click “Initiate Request” next to the service of interest (Human Tissue Repository vs Molecular Pathology Services).
Complete the form and provide payment information for your request prior to submitting the request to the HTR.
Make sure Project Title and TROC/HRRC/IACUC numbers match those on your approval letters.
Under each category of services, enter the desired number and click on “Add selected services” tab.
Services will be added at the bottom of the form.
Use the “Additional Information” box to add any important details, and attach/upload any relevant documents, such as a specimen list or orientation description.
Requests will be pending review by the HTR, which will make any necessary changes and submit back for your approval. You will receive an email from iLab regarding your updated project request.
Submit your proposal to the Tissue Research Oversight Committee (TROC). Contact Cassandra Misenar for guidance in this process (
Following TROC approval, the SRC will forward your request to the Division Chief of Surgical Pathology to ensure availability of the specimens while maintaining compliance with the national laboratory regulations and best patient care.
Contact the HTR-TASR for planning/feasibility session
Submit your proposal to the Tissue Research Oversight Committee (TROC). Contact Cassandra Misenar for guidance on this process (
Once the TROC has approved your proposal, send the approval letter with your application to the UNM Human Research Review Committee (HRRC) Institutional Review Board (IRB) (see instructions above).
Contact the HTR-TASR for an additional planning session (usually required to clarify details of the process. This meeting includes obtaining approval from the Division Chief of Surgical Pathology to ensure availability of the specimens while maintaining compliance with national laboratory regulations and best patient care.
If you have tissue remaining after closure of your investigation, you must return it to the HTR.
You must obtain approval from the local Human Research Review Committee if any portion of the collected tissue may potentially be used for research.
The Division Chief of Surgical Pathology or their designee must approve the method of sample collection to ensure that sufficient representative tissue is retained for clinical care.