Medical School: Saba University School of Medicine | Career Goals: Gen Peds, NBN, Adolescent |
Hometown: Edmonton, AB, Canada | Email: |
Why UNM is My Choice for Residency: UNM was the community hospital with all the benefits of a university setting. Staff, faculty and residents clearly loved the environment they worked in and were incredibly kind, attentive and positive. Now as a resident, I definitely made the right choice. The patient population is fascinating and I could not get a better experience anywhere else.
Favorite Things About UNM: There is a real focus on resident well-being and supporting your academic goals. Life happens and our program will be there for you.
Favorite Things About NM: It is alway sunny in New Mexico! There is always something to go check out, whether it be desert, mountains, hot springs, or gorges - we have got it. My particular favorite is the ABQ Biopark Botanic Garden. Boardgames and kickball have also recently topped the list.