The overall goal of the IMSD program is to strengthen the research training environment and promote excellence in the biomedical research workforce. Our program supports graduate students (US citizens and permanent residents) with outstanding potential to contribute to biomedical science.
Gaokhia Yang -- 2022 IMSD Cohort (photo by Logan Wight)
The University of New Mexico IMSD program provides education and training experiences for students with outstanding potential in order to maximize their success as biomedical scientists.
The program is part of the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (BSGP) housed within the UNM School of Medicine.
BSGP offers a training environment that includes peer-based support structures, enhanced access to workshops in writing, presentations, networking and technical approaches.
Students selected for the IMSD training program will receive support for their entire graduate education with the first three years provided by the IMSD program.
Support includes:
After the first three years, students are supported on funding from their mentor or home department.
IMSD students are incorporated into "Learning Communities" designed to build student engagement, enhance student-faculty interactions, ease the transition to graduate school and facilitate the development of relationships and sense of community with faculty and peers.
Students remain part of their LC throughout PhD training. The LCs provide a social support network and to serve as an academic and social "homeroom" where students from all levels of training develop strong relationships with fellow students and with faculty mentors outside the classroom and the laboratory.
This intentional community provides wrap-around support and a safe place to discuss academic, research or life issues. This support complements guidance provided by research and education mentors.
LCs meet monthly for social and cohort building activities as well one-on-one meetings.
The BSGP curriculum develops a broad knowledge base to support all major research areas within biomedical science including molecular biology, cell biology, neuroscience, immunology, cancer biology,
toxicology and cardiovascular biology, metabolism, pharmaceutical science and toxicology.
BSGP students rotate in three laboratories during their first two semesters. This facilitates selection of a research mentor by the end of year one, when students begin their dissertation research.
IMSD students enroll in courses on molecular biology, cell biology and biostatistics, and work with cutting-edge technologies in the laboratory studies.
BSGP offers a Certificate in University Science Teaching for students interested in academic careers emphasizing teaching.
BSGP also partners with UNM Anderson Schools of Management to offer a joint program in business management and technology development.
BSGP students conduct research across many diverse topic areas within 4 schools/colleges and 10
Research Concentrations:
Mailing Address
School of Medicine Research Education Office
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone: (505) 272-1887
Fax: (505) 272-8738
Physical Location:
UNM Health Sciences Center (North Campus)
Reginald Heber Fitz Hall (Building 211)
Room B61