Make an impact in the concentration that matches your passion.
Will you develop bold, new policies? Lead social justice initiatives? Analyze and extrapolate pandemic data? Earn a Master of Public Health (MPH) in a concentration that speaks to your passion.
Choose from three concentrations, depending on your goals and interests:
Each concentration involves a specialized curriculum with a range of core and elective courses.
Pursue this concentration to prepare for a leadership role in population-based disease prevention and health promotion. You will study community-focused public health practice and research. Our program emphasizes diversity, self-reflection and critical analysis of evidence-based and practice-based approaches. Learn more.
Capture and analyze data to identify disease occurrence and distribution among communities. This concentration prepares you to solve public health issues through research and data interpretation. Our program emphasizes hands-on experience with public health professional epidemiologists. Learn more.
Analyze existing health programs and policies to design data-driven improvement solutions. Create new policies to improve population health outcomes, equality and care in government and nonprofit sectors. Learn more.
College of Population Health
Family Medicine Center
2400 Tucker Ave NE
MSC09 5070