You will chose from over 100 research laboratories in the School of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, College of Nursing, Comprehensive Cancer Center, School of Engineering, Department of Biology, and affiliated sites such as Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories.
Many interdepartmental and multidisciplinary opportunities are represented in Centers and Signature Research Programs with access to cutting-edge state-of-the-art cores and facilities.
Specific NIH-funded pre-doctoral training programs include the Infectious Diseases & Inflammation Program, Cardiovascular Research Training Program, and Alcohol Research Training Program in Neurosciences.
Research Mentors: To find BSGP mentors, please search the Research Mentor Inventory.
PhD Students
Financial support packages are provided by the BSGP to incoming PhD students during the first academic year of the program, mid-August through May 31.
Students do not need to find a mentor (advisor) before applying.
At the end of the first academic year, beginning June 1, PhD students are funded by their dissertation mentor (advisor), and/or training grants, and/or the advisor’s department.
This package includes:
Note: Eligibility to receive financial support throughout the program is contingent on the student remaining in good standing according to BSGP and UNM Office of Graduate Studies standards and policies as well as completion of mandatory UNM and HSC trainings.
The BSGP is an intensive research-based PhD program; therefore, students who fail to identify a research mentor and secure financial support beyond the first academic year of the program will be unable to continue in the BSGP.
MS Students
The BSGP does not provide financial support to MS students.
Many interdepartmental and multidisciplinary research opportunities are represented in research centers and training programs at UNM. Specific pre-doctoral training programs include the following:
The Department of Neurosciences has been awarded an Institutional Research Training Grant designed to provide students with a broad base in neurobiological concepts related to alcohol abuse and alcoholism. The program provides full financial support, including student stipend, tuition, and travel. For more information visit their website or email Dr. Fernando Valenzuela.
The Cardiovascular Research and Training Program (CRTP) provides exceptional pre-and post-doctoral trainees a broad, multidisciplinary background in cardiovascular and pulmonary research with integration between basic and clinical sciences. This NIH training grant provides funds for tuition, stipends, travel to meetings, insurance and other education-related expenses.
The UNM Infectious Diseases and Inflammation Program (IDIP) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary program of faculty who share an interest in reducing the burden of infectious diseases worldwide. For more information visit:
The student demonstrates abilities as a problem solver and critical and independent thinker.
The student displays mastery of an appropriate breadth and depth of knowledge.
The student is effective at both oral and written communication.
The student is a competent and skilled experimentalist who is able to collect, organize, evaluate, and interpret data.
The student demonstrates responsible conduct of research and ethical behavior.
The student works effectively with others in a collegial manner.
MS students may take up to two years to complete the core courses. MS students rotate through a minimum of two laboratories during their first year. They are not required to take the PhD Qualifying Examination unless they wish to be considered for the PhD program. After completion of the core curriculum, students are required to enroll in divisional seminars each semester until graduation.
First-year MS students are not eligible for stipend or tuition support by the BSGP, although many find funding in their second year.
By the beginning of the second year, students choose a thesis advisor and form a Committee on Studies. The Committee outlines any additional divisional course requirements relevant to the specific area of interest. The MS student is expected to present a minimum of one seminar during the second year, in addition to their thesis defense. Students must complete an original and creative research project as well as write and defend their thesis. Most students complete their MS degrees within 2-3 years.
Financial support packages are provided by the program for the first 10 months and are offered to all highly qualified, first-year PhD students. Students receive an annual stipend of approximately $30,000, payment of student health insurance premiums, and remission of tuition and GPSA fees. Additionally, students are responsible for the payment of certain student fees. International students will also be responsible for a one-time UNM Global Education Office fee.
During the first academic year, all students share a one-year core curriculum. Additionally, students complete three separate Research Rotations to get experience and exposure to the various research areas available at the UNM Health Sciences Center.
The funding for PhD students is provided through the end of the first academic year (May 31) by the BSGP. During the first year, students identify a research mentor who will assume the financial responsibility starting June 1 and provide the resources necessary for the student to conduct their dissertation research. Students are funded by their research mentor (advisor), and/or training grants, and/or the research mentor’s department. Students are responsible for identifying a research mentor prior to end of the first academic year in order to continue to progress in the program. The program provides guidance and a variety of opportunities during the first academic year of the program for students to successfully identify research mentors.
At the end of the first year, PhD students choose a research advisor, declare an area of specialization, and take and pass a qualifying exam so that they may advance to candidacy. Students also choose a faculty Committee on Studies to help guide them through their thesis/dissertation research. In their third or fourth year, all students must successfully complete a comprehensive examination which is administered by their Committee on Studies.
The next generation of experimental biomedical scientists must be equipped to work productively and in teams with mathematical, computational and physical scientists and engineers in order to answer critical biological questions in the 21st century. There are different interdisciplinary opportunities for BSGP students beginning in their second year.
In subsequent years, students complete advanced coursework and laboratory research in preparation for completing their PhD dissertation. Most students complete their PhD degrees within 4-6 years.
BSGP understands that our students have various gender identities. This Sex Assigned at Birth data reflects responses provided on the UNM Admissions Application, which only has options for Female Assigned at Birth and Male Assigned at Birth.
UNM does allow you to go beyond what is entered during admissions and to update your gender to something from a broader list in Banner demographics. There are 6 options. Here is how to update your gender.
Employment outcomes for BSGP PhD graduates as of summer 2020.
Workshops on a variety of topics for graduate students including; Wellness, Reading Skills and Strategies, Financial Literacy, Time Management, and more.
Check out The Lobo Life page for a selection of the adventures that await you in and around UNM!
Mailing Address
School of Medicine Research Education Office
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone: (505) 272-1887
Fax: (505) 272-8738
Physical Location:
UNM Health Sciences Center (North Campus)
Reginald Heber Fitz Hall (Building 211)
Room B61