Recent Updates
CHEK-D Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Miriam Vélez-Bermúdez, recently published a new manuscript in JAMA Network Open!
JAMA Network OpenCHEK-D Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Miriam Vélez-Bermúdez, recently published a new manuscript in JAMA Network Open!
JAMA Network OpenCHEK-D Director, Dr. Larissa Myaskovsky, recently published a new manuscript in JAMA Internal Medicine!
JAMA Internal MedicineCHEK-D Director, Dr. Larissa Myaskovsky, and CHEK-D Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Miriam Vélez-Bermúdez, received the Best in Show award for their poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Transplant Congress!
ATC 2024
The CHEK-D is committed to significantly and positively impacting research, education and outreach activities to increase healthcare equity and reduce disparities by partnering with dedicated faculty, staff and community leaders.