This monthly series is a collaboration between research organizations across the state to introduce participants to the exciting research happening in New Mexico. Participating organizations include UNM Main Campus and Health Sciences, New Mexico State University, New Mexico Tech, Sandia National Laboratories, and Los Alamos National Laboratories.
Sessions are held on the 1st Wednesday of the month, from 1 – 2 pm. Please join our mailing list here to receive information on upcoming sessions.
Associate Professor, Pediatrics and Neurosciences
Professor, Psychology
Sandia National Laboratories
Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professor, Department of Chemical
and Biological Engineering
Zoom Link:
Password: Innovation
Larissa Myaskovsky, PhD
Director of Faculty Research Development
Kara McKinney, MA
Strategic Support Manager
Office: 505.290.5495
Physical Location:
Health Sciences and Services Building
Mailing address:
MSC 08 4560
1 University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM 87131