Our PGY4 and PGY5 residents participate in a semiannual mock oral board examination curriculum involving full-length, simulated certification exams. Each spring session features mock examiners from a sister institution to provide a realistic examination experience. Like the American Board of Surgery General Surgery Certifying Examination, these sessions are conducted virtually over Zoom, and detailed feedback is provided to examinees for future preparation.
Additional teaching sessions across all PGY levels are dedicated to oral board performance, tips, tricks, and pitfalls. Many divisional teaching conferences also follow oral board-style discussions. As such, our residents are exposed at all levels to oral board preparation early and often.
100% of graduates from our program have passed the American Board of Surgery General Surgery Certifying Examination on their first attempt since this curriculum was developed
Surgery residency is more than just operative skills. UNM General Surgery Program provides robust didactic schedule and multiple educational conferences. To accomplish the program goal of preparing residents for competency in general surgery, residents devote time to technical training in general surgery, related specialties, academic endeavors and research.
Weekly education conference takes place on Friday during a dedicated 4-5-hour block, with residents excused from clinical duties in order to participate. A typical Friday morning schedule would include:
Morbidity and Mortality Conference
Lead Faculty: Dr. Renee Pepin
Residents present cases and analyze outcomes while utilizing an evidence-based approach to patient care. It is attended by all the faculty and residents.
Grand Rounds
Lead Faculty: Dr. Edward Auyang
The Department of Surgery has an extensive Grand Rounds schedule that covers topics in areas of medical knowledge, system-based practice, diversity, ethics, innovation in surgical education and best practice in surgical care updates.
Friday Resident Seminar
Lead Faculty: Dr. Baila Maqbool
This 2 hour session generally follows SCORE curriculum for didactic teaching. Faculty from all specialties get invited to moderate sessions of core and expert surgical topics. These sessions are designed to be interactive and in an oral boards format.
In addition, following curriculums are also incorporated in resident education:
ABSITE review
Residents as Educators
Core 7 Wellness
Ergonomics curriculum
Leadership Curriculum
Expert Hour (Grand Rounds Visiting Professor)
Professionalism and Surgical Ethics (PASE) Curriculum
Residency Program Director
Jasmeet S. Paul, MD, FACS Department of Surgery 1 University of New Mexico MSC10 5610 Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Residency Program Coordinator
Medical Education Program Specialist