After a submission to the Sponsored Projects Office (SPO), Human Research Protections Office (HRPO), Research Allocations Committee (RAC) or the Office of Animal Care Compliance (OACC), an HSC-initiated certification request will inform you that you have a certification disclosure pending for a specific proposal or protocol. You will receive this request once per week until you complete your certification.
You will receive an email with subject "HSC-Initiated Certification" from with information on how to acquire your account and how to log into Click COI. After you complete your Click COI training (HSC 001), you will receive an email with the subject, "Click ERA: Your account has been created" from Fabian Conant or Vanessa Tan. The email will provide you with your username and temporary password information.
After your account has been created, UNMHSC faculty, staff and students will use their HSC Net-ID and password as their login. All others, including UNM main campus, will use the username assigned and the password you create.
HSC Conflicts of Interest
MSC08 4560
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Physical Location:
Fitz Hall - B83