At the Health Sciences, we aim to promote a culture of compliance with the highest legal and ethical standards and we are committed to the education of our research community and outreach to our collaborators and communities we serve.
Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects
Respect for Persons
Involves the recognition of the personal autonomy and dignity of individuals, and the need for special protections of individuals with diminished autonomy. Under this principle, individuals must be given sufficient information to decide whether to participate in a study, they must be able to comprehend the information, and their consent must be given voluntarily and free from coercion and undue influence. Respect for Persons also means honoring the subjects' privacy and confidentiality.
IRBs are expected to be particularly sensitive to these factors when vulnerable subjects are involved, and ensure that extra measures are taken to protect the immature and incapacitated. IRBs may even require that they be excluded from participating in certain research.
Entails an obligation to protect persons from harm by maximizing anticipated benefits and minimizing possible risks of harm. This principle requires assessing the nature and scope of the risks and benefits. All possible harms must be considered; not just physical and psychological injury. All possible benefits including societal benefits that might be gained from research must also be considered. Benefits to the subjects, or generalizable knowledge to be gained from the research should always outweigh the risks.
In assessing the risks and benefits, the appropriateness of involving vulnerable populations is considered.
Requires that the benefits and burdens of research be distributed fairly. Subjects must be fairly selected and may not be selected either because they are favored by a research or held in disdain. Social justice requires an order of preference in selection of classes of subjects, for example, adults before children. The principle cautions that researchers should not systematically select subjects because of their easy availability, their compromised position, or their social, racial, sexual, or economic position, or because of cultural biases institutionalized in society. Investigators should base inclusion criteria on those factors that most appropriately address the research problem.
Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
The University of New Mexico
We are committed to ensuring that all of the human subjects research conducted by our investigators are done at the highest standards.
At the Health Sciences, we have 3 federally mandated Institutional Review Boards (aka Human Research Review Committee - HRRC).
IRB members have the responsibility to follow and apply Human Research Protection Program policies and procedures that apply to the IRB members.
The members of the IRB volunteer their time to serve on the committees. Members are expected to:
Connect with us if you are interested in serving on one of the IRBs.
Required trainings for prospective members:
At the Health Sciences, we have 3 federally mandated Institutional Review Boards (aka Human Research Review Committee - HRRC).
IRB members have the responsibility to follow and apply Human Research Protection Program policies and procedures that apply to the IRB members.
The members of the IRB volunteer their time to serve on the committees. Members are expected to:
Connect with us if you are interested in serving on one of the IRBs.
Required trainings for prospective members:
Brad Dolin, JD
UNM Health Sciences HRPP director
Physical location:
Fitz Hall, B71
Mailing address:
MSC 08 4560
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM, 87131-0001
Call: 505-272-1129