Mixed Waste contains radioactive material and one or more hazardous chemical components. Most chemicals classified by the EPA as hazardous are disposed of under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The hazardous waste can be either a listed hazardous waste in SubPart D of 40 CFR 261 or a waste that exhibits any of the hazardous waste characteristics identified in Subpart C of 40 CFR Part 261.
Hazardous waste contractors will not accept a hazardous waste that contains radioactive material. Generation of a mixed waste often leaves the university with a waste with no disposal options. To avoid conflicts between disposal requirements avoid the generation of a mixed radioactive and RCRA hazardous waste.
Any waste stream that involves the mixing of a hazardous waste with radioactive material must have the prior approval of the Radiation Safety Office before generation.
Important Items
Mixed waste containing radionuclides with a half-life of 90 days or less will be held for decay by the Radiation Safety Office and disposed of in accordance with the hazardous material disposal requirements.
Mixed waste containing radionuclides with a half-life of >90 days half-life must be kept separate from all other mixed waste. Prior approval from the Radiation Safety Office is needed before generation of this type of waste is started.
Contact Us
Radiation Safety MSC 08 4560 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131