Contact us to schedule a consultation
Contact the ARF office at 272-3936 or to schedule a consultation.
Researchers are encouraged to consult with the veterinary staff on matters related to the following:
Surgery - Attending veterinarian will:
Fee - No fee is charged for services of the attending veterinarian
The ARF technical staff will assist researchers with minor procedures, including but not limited to:
Fee - The PI's index will be charged for Technical Service Fees according to the Per Diem and Fee Schedule
Husbandry (Housing, Care, Food, Water) is provided by the ARF Laboratory Animal Technicians according to standards recommended by the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
The ARF operates a barrier facility for maintenance and production of genetically modified mice that may not be commercially available or are cost prohibitive. The management of production colonies is included in the standard per diem. If tissue collection, individual identification or other specialized procedures are necessary, the ARF Laboratory Animal Technicians will bill for technical service according to the Per Diem and Fee Schedule.
The accounting staff maintains all ARF accounts for animal research-related activities. Each account is billed monthly, with a detailed invoice of charges. The fee for this service is the per diem, and varies for each species.
The ARF staff encourages researchers, students, and staff to request training in:
Training is provided free of charge.
The ARF staff will assist Animal Researchers in locating specialized animal research equipment, supplies and instruments.