As part of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Spot Me Campaign, the UNM Department of Dermatology in collaboration with the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center will be holding free skin cancer screenings throughout New Mexico. Dr. John Durkin spearheaded this iniative in May 2019 with a goal to prioritize New Mexico's "Dermatology Deserts" with a mission to reduce cancer disperaties in underserved communities.
These events are FREE, and everyone arriving during event hours will be seen. Participants will not need their insurance card and will not have to make an appointment. The public is encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity for skin cancer screening without needing a doctor’s appointment or referral to a dermatologist.
THANK YOU to all who volunteered, which is a great opportunity for our students, and also to the Ryan F. Daniell Fund and the Shannon Shaw Memorial Fund which support this important work.
Please contact Dr. John Durkin if you would like to volunteer in any capacity wth future screenings and we welcome your donations to the Ryan Daniell Memorial Fund to help grow this program sustainably.
Donate Here to Help Sustain This Initiative!
No, you do not need to bring an insurance card.
No appointments or referrals to a dermatologist are needed to get a screening, and everyone arriving during event hours will be seen.
Where: Schreiber Family Medicine, 630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Suite 125 Taos, NM 87571
Time: 10:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m.
Where: Taos Ski Valley - Taos Tent, 7 Thunderbird Rd Taos Ski Valley, NM 87525
Time: 2:30 p.m - 4 p.m.
This fund was created to honor the legacy of Ryan F. Daniell, who left us too early because of melanoma. It was Ryan’s hope that his struggle with the disease would lead to increased awareness, early detection, and accessible treatment for all New Mexicans. His family established this fund in his name, and they welcome your partnership.