Interested in training in an MGM faculty mentor's laboratory? Contact our department today.
At the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology (MGM), we are committed to delivering the best education for medical students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
Our department plays an important role in Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) at UNM School of Medicine. MGM coordinates the the Microbiology and Immunology block for Phase I of the UME curriculum.
MGM faculty give most lectures in this course, serve as tutors during problem-based learning sessions and facilitate team-based learning.
MGM faculty participate in all aspects of the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (BSGP), including as faculty mentors, participants in the BSGP curriculum and members of the BSGP steering committee.
MGM takes an active role in mentoring medical students at UNM in research projects. Our faculty have both short and long-term research projects with limited time commitment (as low as 3-4 hrs a week) that are suitable for medical students interested in expanding their research skills in immunology, infectious disease, vaccine development, cell and molecular biology, autophagy, and Alzheimer’s Disease. MGM faculty collaborate across departments and actively seek opportunities to incorporate clinical research into their research programs. If you are a medical student and are interested in exploring research opportunities with MGM faculty, you can contact Dr. Kathryn Frietze ( or Dr. Jaya Rajaiya ( to help find a good match.
MGM faculty serve as leaders or lecturers in other UNM departments and centers. Take a look at where our team provides expertise:
Faculty, postdocs and students can participate in weekly Immunology and Virology Journal Clubs during the academic year. Contact us if interested in joining.