The Learn@Lunch series offers short-duration informal sessions, generally lasting no longer than 1 to 1.5 hours in length. They tend to either narrowly focus on one technique or topic for specific application, or are meant to allow participants a conversational or exploratory atmosphere. Registration is encouraged but not required. No registration fees apply.
To arrange for a special session for your group or department, please use our “Make a Request” form.DATE: TBD
Register: TBD
Learning objectives are the foundation for designing courses, curricula, and assessments. Generally constructed as lists, faculty may find it difficult to (1) evaluate the appropriateness of objectives, (2) recognize how objectives can be integrated across courses in a curriculum, (3) design courses in order to scaffold and integrate objectives across class sessions, and (4) plan instruction and assessment to assure mastery of learning objectives.
Participants will be able to:
Facilitator: Gary A. Smith, PhD, Associate Dean, Continuous Professional Learning
Register: TBD
Giving and receiving feedback is a necessary skill for all medical educators. Unfortunately, we often receive little training on best practices of giving and receiving feedback. During this session, attendees will be exposed to evidence based practices of giving feedback including the model known as Feedback with Good Judgment. This session is designed to focus on participants’ unique challenges in giving and receiving feedback.
Participants will be able to:
Register: TBD
Do you know that there is research on the slide-design practices that actually enhance learning? Do you know that only a small fraction of PowerPoint presentations in educational and conference settings follow these practices? Learn the approach in this short interactive session and cultivate learning in your future presentations.
Participants will be able to:
Facilitator: Gary A. Smith, PhD, Associate Dean, Continuous Professional Learning
Register: TBD
During this interactive case-based session participants can expect to engage in a variety of topics centered on teaching when time is limited. Participants will work to address cases in teaching when time is limited with the caveat of common learner dilemmas (e.g., the ‘disinterested learner’) embedded within the cases. Participants can expect to engage in 2 cases related to the inpatient, outpatient and surgical environments. Each case will have discussion in groups addressing the dilemma, followed by large group discussion, and then demonstration/discussion of specific teaching techniques.
Participants will be able to:
Register: TBD
Team-based learning (TBL) is a formalized, best-practice instructional strategy that is particularly well-suited for learning with cases and is widely used in medical, nursing, pharmacy, and health-professions programs around the world. In this event, participants will learn the specific instructional recipe for TBL by participating in a TBL session. Please pre-register so that you receive pre-event materials.
Participants will be able to:
Facilitator: Paul Perea, Program Operations Director, UME-ETS Educational Tech Support
POSET is a process for obtaining formative peer feedback on teaching and for two colleagues to learn about teaching through conversation about an observed teaching experience. The nature of the observed teaching and learning session and all feedback and conversations between the observer and observee are confidential; only participation and input on participants’ experience with the POSET process are reported to OMED.
The Peer Observation in Support of Effective Teaching (POSET) program may be useful for:
Facilitator: Teresa Vigil, MD, Director, Career Mentoring and Advisement
Date: TBD
Register: TBD
Anesthesiology uses Smartsheet to manage all aspects of GME quality improvement projects. Functions include an intake form for new projects, a dashboard summarizing the department’s overall QI activity level, and a spreadsheet containing useful information and relevant documents. The system lists projects by resident or by mentor, identifies residents without active projects, and records the last date of contact on each project to pinpoint those at risk of losing momentum. All of these functions are accessible to users with minimal knowledge of Smartsheet.
Attendees at this session will:
Facilitator: Timothy Petersen, PhD, Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine
Date: TBD
Register: TBD
Designing learning experiences, whether a single class session, course/rotation, a longitudinal curriculum, or a continuing professional development activity can seem intimidating. However, by applying a few research-based instructional design principles, teachers increase the likelihood of creating a learning experience that is meaningful, memorable, motivating, and measurable. Attendees are encouraged to use this brief introduction as a springboard with opportunities for follow-up consultations.
Participants will:
Facilitator: Gary A. Smith, PhD, Associate Dean, Continuous Professional Learning
In this interactive session, participants will engage with the expectations of submitting a Scholarship in Education Allocations Committee (SEAC) grant proposal in the Scholarship & Research Initiatives and Quality Improvement/Patient Safety Initiatives categories. Visit for more information about SEAC.
Participants will be able to:
Help any participant get their SEAC Proposals assembled well enough to be looked at by our SEAC committee to be approved for their wanted research.
Facilitator: Gary A. Smith, PhD, Associate Dean, Continuous Professional Learning
Facilitators: Wayles Haynes, MD, MFA, HO5, and Olivia Shadid, MD, HO5, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Mailing Address
Office for Continuous Professional Learning
MSC09 5370 1 UNM
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Phone: 505.272.3942
Fax: 505.272.8604
Physical Address
Medical Building Two
2501 Frontier Ave NE #201
Albuquerque, NM 87106
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