Our scientists and research programs are nationally recognized and growing fast. This means that you will have the chance to make a big difference, and to do the research that interests you. When you do research with us, you can be sure that you will publish papers and travel to top conferences.
Our research gets funded. We recently ranked 7th in the country in NIH funding, and 11th for total federal funding. We also boast six federally funded, nationally recognized research centers and programmatic grants.
Our research keeps growing. Our research totaled over $19 million in 2022, a massive increase over where we stood just 5 years ago. And, there is no end in sight.
Our research is diverse. With a variety of funding from federal, foundation, industry and state sources, we lead the way in research that impacts all people, near and far.
Help us fight and cure humanity’s deadliest diseases and public health threats. Join the fight to:
We are thought leaders. We have over 45 U.S. patents and dozens of pending patents. Innovate with us as we:
Learn about the UNM College of Pharmacy's various research initiatives and the faculty that drive them.