February 27, 2025, 1:30-3:30 pm | Register by 2/7/2025
Blended, hybrid, flipped, synchronous, asynchronous. Have you heard these terms and wondered what they mean for designing learning experiences that combine the power of online instructional technology and the social interconnectedness and interactivity of the classroom? The blended (online plus live) workshop goes beyond providing a working terminology and exposure to models but equips you to create integrated online and in-person learning experiences. What objectives and activities should be included in the online component versus the in-person component? How should the learning by these different modalities be connected? Learn how to structure the activities to be consistent with how memories are made and reduce long-standing inequities in learning associated with lecture-dominated instruction.
Learners will spend approximately one hour in online self-study before the two-hour live workshop.
Workshop participants will:
Rose Vallejo, PT, DPT, Assistant Professor
The University of New Mexico School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The University of New Mexico School of Medicine designates this educational activity for a maximum of 2.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Registration Information
CME certified events are subject to registration fees. Registration and fee schedule information appears below.
Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email including additional workshop information and instructions regarding remitting payment, if applicable.
Registration Fees
The deadline to register for CME certified workshops is 10 business days prior to the date of the event.
Dollar Amount | Class of Registrant | Types of Payment Accepted |
UNM/HSC Employee
Tuition remission benefit (for eligible UNM employees) or credit card payment through UNM Marketplace |
Non-UNM participant
Credit card payment through UNM Marketplace |
UNM students of any level, residents, fellows, postdocs, preceptors, or volunteer faculty
Sponsored by the UNM School of Medicine Office of Education |
The following categories of registrants, sponsored by the UNM School of Medicine Office of Education, may (if eligible) receive CME credit without incurring a registration fee: UNM students of any level, residents, fellows, postdocs, preceptors, or volunteer faculty. If an alternate of payment than those listed is required, please contact CPL prior to registration.
To arrange for a special session for your group, e-mail hsc-cpl@salud.unm.edu or call (505) 272-3942.
Mailing Address
Office for Continuous Professional Learning
MSC09 5370 1 UNM
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Phone: 505.272.3942
Fax: 505.272.8604
Email: HSC-CPL@salud.unm.edu
Physical Address
Medical Building Two
2501 Frontier Ave NE #201
Albuquerque, NM 87106
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