Our clinicians redefine best practice to ensure their patients have the best outcomes possible.
The Department of Pharmacy Practice and Administrative Sciences supports the mission and vision of the College of Pharmacy. The department is comprised of clinician educators, clinical research faculty and social and administrative sciences faculty. Our faculty practice in a wide range of clinical settings and are experts in pharmacotherapy, medication usage, poison control, drug information, and radiopharmacy. Research is translational in nature and spreads from the laboratory to the clinic and the community. In addition to contributing to the mission of the College and Health Sciences Center, our faculty support the pharmacy profession and are recognized at the state and national level.
The Department of Pharmacy Practice and Administrative Sciences is comprised of a diverse faculty with a wide range of clinical, educational, and research expertise in the areas of pharmacotherapy, medication usage, and poison control. Our faculty practice in a variety of clinical settings and are leaders in pharmacist-provided patient care, teaching, and health outcomes research.
Our mission is to develop pharmacists, educators and scientists whose leadership, dedication and innovation improve the health of our local and global communities.
Research: Our faculty are engaged in collaborative research based in the laboratory, the patient care setting and the classroom. Our research is diverse and translational in nature and is focused on helping patients.
Teaching: Our faculty teach in both the professional and graduate programs. The faculty provide didactic course work employing active learning strategies and provides experiential training at innovative practice sites.
Service: Our faculty provide a high level of patient care to the patients at University Hospital and affiliated hospital and community clinics and pharmacies. In addition, our faculty provides service to the Health Sciences Center and to the profession of pharmacy through active participation in both state and national professional associations.
Given the diversity of our clinical faculty’s practice areas, we conduct research in a variety of settings and disease states. The clinical faculty’s cutting-edge research is synergistic with their clinical practice areas and is focused in the areas listed below. Our research is translational in nature and spreads from the laboratory to the clinic to community outcomes. The focus of our faculty in Administrative Sciences is on pharmacoeconomics, medication adherence and health outcomes. Faculty also conduct research in the area of radiopharmaceutics and poison control.
PEPPOR-Related Research
Other Research Areas
Barry Bleske, PharmD
Chair, Professor
(505) 272-1525
Jennifer Casillas
Administrative Coordinator
(505) 272-4322
(505) 272-4322
Mailing Address
UNM College of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmacy Practice & Administrative Sciences
MSC09 5360
1 University of New Mexico
Physical Address
Nursing and Pharmacy Building
2502 Marble Ave. NE
Suite B12
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001