Prepare yourself for a fruitful career in the world of pharmacy research, industry, or academia.
PEPPOR emphasizes the social, psychological, political, legal, historical, quality, clinical, and economic factors that affect the production, evaluation, use, non-use, and misuse of therapeutic modalities.
Offering both a Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), students study and research in a wide variety of areas.
PEPPOR graduates continue on to further research, industry, or academia.
The PEPPOR program admits new students for the Fall term only; Spring or Summer applications will not be considered.
Completed online application including:
Admission requirements include a completed interview. Interviews are offered after the initial January 1 deadline. Interviews for applicants outside of the local area will be conducted using a distance meeting software.
Office of Student Affairs
Nursing/Pharmacy Building, Suite 188
College of Pharmacy
ATTN: Student Services
MSC09 5360
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001