Have you found your calling in Preventive Medicine? Focus on the health and wellness not only of the individuals and entire populations. You may also reach us at 505-272-1515.
UNM Preventive Medicine residents can tailor their education plan to meet their own interests in Preventive Medicine. This may include content areas such as occupational medicine, addiction medicine, or infectious diseases.
A master of Public Health (MPH) is required and completed over two years concurrently with residency training.
Residency Program Rounds includes journal club and didactic series in such topics as:
Longitudinal Clinical Preventive Medicine, with residents completing a minimum of ½ day of clinic per week. Residents spend time in occupational medicine clinics, addiction and substance abuse clinics, NM Department of Health (NM DOH) clinics, and other clinics focused on their own interest.
These are resident-initiated and focused in any area of preventive medicine. They are unique in the flexibility to accommodate unanticipated educational opportunities. Residents projects have included:
Program Director
Denece Kesler, MD, MPH
Preventive Medicine Residency
Department of Internal Medicine
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone: 505-272-1443
Program Coordinator
Raquel Trujillo