UNM Health System is the leading provider of diagnostic endocrinology services in New Mexico. Our patients have access to the best experts and technologies available.
Faculty evaluate fellows twice a year in the University of New Mexico Division of Endocrinology. Each faculty member completes a written evaluation form that stays in the fellow’s cumulative file. The program director or associate program director discusses the written evaluation forms during a meeting with each fellow.
As fellows conduct procedures, faculty observe and document the experience in a chart. Fellows keep a record of procedures performed and review it at six-month evaluations.
Each fellow anonymously fills out evaluation forms for faculty members annually. The program director reviews these evaluations with each faculty member and discusses strategies for improvement if needed.
Staff and fellows evaluate the training program annually. When they identify a problem area, fellows explain their issues and meet with faculty to discuss solutions. Periodically, the division revises and expands the program to meet the changing needs of fellows and faculty.
Division Chief
David Schade, MD
Division of Endocrinology
Department of Internal Medicine
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone: 505-272-4657
Fellowship Director
Christina Lovato, M.D.
Phone: 505-272-4658
Email: CLovato@salud.unm.edu