Accounts are referred to as NetIDs or “Network IDs.” They allow users to access particular resources on campus. New accounts will only be issued for the Health Sciences Center (HSC NetID).
If you require access to UNM main-campus resources, please follow these instructions on creating a UNM NetID. All NetIDs are created from roles assigned to people in the HR systems. NetIDs are not created by HSC IT.
All employee data that appears in the address book comes from either the UNM Banner System or the UH Lawson system. These are the HR systems with authoritive data. Your NetID will remain active for the duration of time you have an active role in either HR system.
If you need to change your role or other information, you will need to do so in the appropriate HR system.
To request an HSC NetID for Affiliates, please complete submit an electronic request to HR via the following secure site: and select either CONTRACTOR_MEDICAL (typically used for Locums and contracted providers) or LEARN_CENTRAL_HSC (typically used for other HSC affiliates).
** Please do not use the Internet Explorer Browser to access this site.
If you have questions about the request process, or the check on the status of a submitted request, please send an email to
After this process created the Banner IDs and HSC Affiliation, our automated accounts creation process will create the HSC NetID and send out notifications the day after the affiliation is created at UNM HR. Affiliate accounts do not receive a salud email account. If one is needed. a separate request will need to be made after the HSC NetID has been created.
The NetID will remain active for the duration of time the role is active in Banner.
HSC NetID's are created automatically after Employees, Students, and Affiliates are entered into the UNM Banner system and have an active HSC role assigned to the record. When a identity is created in Banner with an active HSC role, an automated process runs overnight which creates the HSC NetId. Immediate supervisors will be notified by e-mail about the account creation. If you need to determine if an HSC NetID has been created please search for the person in the HSC directory (on campus access only).
If you do not find the account then please contact the HSC IT Service Desk at 505-272-1694.
Affiliate accounts do not receive a salud email account. If one is needed a separate request will need to be made after the HSC NetID has been created.
New email accounts are automatically created in HSCLink within 24 hours of the creation of the HSC NetID.
Affiliate accounts do not receive a salud email account. If one is needed, a separate request will need to be made after the HSC NetID has been created.
If a person leaves or retires from the institution their email account will be automatically disabled at the same time as their HSC NetID unless they have been given an affiliate or emeritus role in the UNM Banner system.
You can manage your password and identity at the HSCID portal.
The portal will allow you to reset a forgotten password, update your current password or change identity information about your account.
Please note: On your first log in, you will be required to set your verification questions, even if they were set in the old portal.
If you need further assistance contact the HSC IT Service Desk at 505-272-1694.
Individuals must submit a name change request to the correct office (Records & Registration for students; Human Resources for staff; Faculty Contracts for faculty). Then you can create a Help.HSC request to have your name changed.
Are you sure you don’t have one already? UNM NetIDs used to be assigned automatically. That process was stopped in 2019, so if you arrived at UNM before that time you may already have a UNM NetID.
If you do not have a UNM NetID, you can get one following these instructions.
Physical Location:
Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center
Room 317A
Phone: 505-272-1694
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm