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HSC Technology Support provides support for core services to all Health Science Center (HSC) faculty and staff for standard HSC-owned and -operated workstations. These services may not apply to non-standard workstations or departments with independent technical staff.
TigerConnect Maintenance – Friday March 21, 2025, 10pm to 4am
In keeping with TigerConnect’s commitment to providing reliable application service and availability, scheduled Clinical Collaboration Platform infrastructure maintenance will be performed on Friday, March 21. Changes applied will update TigerConnect infrastructure to enhance platform resiliency and reduce operational risk.
We recognize that system updates can be disruptive to workflow. Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to maintain the quality of our services. If you experience issues with TigerConnect after the update, please contact the Service Desk here or call 505-272-DATA.
Check in on any upcoming changes to HSC systems or services. During changes, there may be technology outages. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
View the Global HSC Change Calendar. For further assistance, call HSC IT at 505-272-1694.
5/31/25 - Demise HSC_Secure Wirelesss Network 10:00 am
Planned decommissioning of old HSC_Secure wireless network due to EOL/EOS hardware for that network. The UNM_Health_Guest and UNM_Health_Secure wireless networks are available for alternative connectivity depending on device requirements.
2/24/25 - Upgrade Radiology VPN 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Upgrade Radiology VPN to 22.7R2.6. During the upgrade customers may experience a brief disconnect while the leader changes rolls.
2/25/25 - Upgrade UNMHSC VPN 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Upgrade UNMHSC VPN to 22.7R2.6. During the upgrade customers may experience a brief disconnect while the leader changes rolls.
2/3/25 - Retire Airwatch Services 9:00 am
Retire the AirWatch services and equipment for MDM. All supported devices have been migrated to Intune.
BYOD Implementation through 12/31/2024
UNM HHS requires the user to enroll the BYOD with the MDM. In the BYOD configuration, the MDM requires that an encrypted storage "container" used on the device when storing UNM HHS in case the device is lost or stolen.
5/31/25 - Demise HSC_Secure Wirelesss Network 10:00 am
Planned decommissioning of old HSC_Secure wireless network due to EOL/EOS hardware for that network. The UNM_Health_Guest and UNM_Health_Secure wireless networks are available for alternative connectivity depending on device requirements.
2/24/25 - Upgrade Radiology VPN 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Upgrade Radiology VPN to 22.7R2.6. During the upgrade customers may experience a brief disconnect while the leader changes rolls.
2/25/25 - Upgrade UNMHSC VPN 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Upgrade UNMHSC VPN to 22.7R2.6. During the upgrade customers may experience a brief disconnect while the leader changes rolls.
2/3/25 - Retire Airwatch Services 9:00 am
Retire the AirWatch services and equipment for MDM. All supported devices have been migrated to Intune.
BYOD Implementation through 12/31/2024
UNM HHS requires the user to enroll the BYOD with the MDM. In the BYOD configuration, the MDM requires that an encrypted storage "container" used on the device when storing UNM HHS in case the device is lost or stolen.
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