HSC uses HSCLink as a secure and safe email program. All HSC employees receive an account for the duration of their employment.
The entire UNM Health Sciences Center (HSC) community uses an email program called "HSCLink." Employees are given an HSCLink email account which will remain active until they leave the institution.
New email accounts are automatically created in HSCLink within 24 hours of the creation of the HSC NetID.
Affiliate accounts do not receive a salud email account. If one is needed, a separate request will need to be made after the HSC NetID has been created.
If a person leaves or retires from the institution their email account will be automatically disabled at the same time as their HSC NetID unless they have been given an affiliate or emeritus role in the UNM Banner system.
Go to your device’s APP store and install the Outlook App
Once installed open the app and click on Add Account
When prompted, type in your HSC email address
The app will auto-detect our Microsoft 365 environment and ask you for your password
Enter the password for your HSC email and you will be connected
Secure email is a system component that allows you to securely send and receive messages containing ePHI and other types of confidential information. Within this tool, secure email protects messages in transit over the Internet. Recipients of encrypted confidential email must maintain the security of the information by storing it in approved areas and forwarding it only to authorized recipients using the encrypted reply or forward option. External recipients can also use secure email to safely send reply messages back to the HSC sender.
HSC users who send ePHI and other confidential information using secure email should exercise good security awareness and send only the minimum necessary amount of information to authorized recipients. Secure email is just one part of the HSC’s IT security program, which consists of policies, security strategies and a work plan, in support of the HSC’s missions. Security awareness and good security practices, along with technical tools like this one, can help ensure public trust and confidence in the security of the HSC’s information systems.
Adding *secure* anywhere in the subject line tells the email system to encrypt your message.
External Recipient:
If your message is addressed to someone outside of the HSC email system, the recipient will be required to register for a Proofpoint Secure Email Account. A validation code will be sent to the recipients email address, whcih they must enter in the Validation Code Box.
Download Secure Email Instructions [PDF].
If your message is addressed to someone within the HSC system, the message will be delivered normally.
Physical Location:
Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center
Room 317A
Phone: 505-272-1694
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm